Wednesday 22 December 2021

Festive Fun

We had lots of fun this month decorating our classroom for Christmas. We learned songs, poems and read lots of Christmas stories. 

We even wrote some imaginative letters to Santa Claus to explain why the elves went on strike.

For poetry, we learned a poem called 'Snowman'. 

Here we are performing our poem in class...

Here is some of our festive art work

Take a look at our penguin projects. 

Third Class are great artists...

We are really enjoying learning how to play the violin with Ciara. 

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a happy new year !

Friday 3 December 2021


During the month of November the children in Third Class have been busy doing some wonderful work. 

For Art, we used our drawing and painting skills to draw bare Winter trees. 

For SESE, we learned all about Owls. We know owls are nocturnal and and baby owls are called owlets. 

Check out our interesting facts projects!

We got really creative with old newspaper and made owl collages! 

The theme of this year's Anti-Bullying Week was to 'Choose Kindess'. We read the story 'Have you filled a bucket today?' and discussed ways we can be kind to others in our class.